
Tummy-Time for BabiesTummy Time

Tummy time allows babies to develop head control and upper body strength needed to crawl and do other important developmental activities. It is important to place your newborn on the tummy several times a day. As your baby grows and gets stronger, increase tummy time.

How Much Tummy-Time?

Beginning on the first day home from the hospital or in the family child care home or center, play and interact with the baby while he is awake and on his tummy 2 to 3 times each day for a short period of time, increasing the amount of time as the baby shows he enjoys the activity. A great time to do this is following a diaper change or when the baby wakes up from a nap.

Tummy Time prepares babies for the time when they will be able to slide on their bellies and crawl. As babies grow older and stronger they will need more time on their tummies to build their own strength.

At first, some babies may not like the tummy time position. Place yourself or a toy in front of the baby to play with. Eventually your baby will enjoy tummy time and begin to enjoy play in this position.  The Tummy Time Tip Sheets on the left also have great activities to try with your little one.

 Reviewed 10/16/23



Further Reading

Abcs of Safe Sleep

Tummy Time Brochure 

Tummy Time Tip Sheets

Birth to 2 Months

3-4 Months

6 Months

9 Months

12 Months

15-18 Months

24 Months

Contact Us
Clinton County Health Department
Health Care Services Division
(518) 565-4848  




Tummy-Time for BabiesTummy Time

Tummy time allows babies to develop head control and upper body strength needed to crawl and do other important developmental activities. It is important to place your newborn on the tummy several times a day. As your baby grows and gets stronger, increase tummy time.

How Much Tummy-Time?

Beginning on the first day home from the hospital or in the family child care home or center, play and interact with the baby while he is awake and on his tummy 2 to 3 times each day for a short period of time, increasing the amount of time as the baby shows he enjoys the activity. A great time to do this is following a diaper change or when the baby wakes up from a nap.

Tummy Time prepares babies for the time when they will be able to slide on their bellies and crawl. As babies grow older and stronger they will need more time on their tummies to build their own strength.

At first, some babies may not like the tummy time position. Place yourself or a toy in front of the baby to play with. Eventually your baby will enjoy tummy time and begin to enjoy play in this position.  The Tummy Time Tip Sheets on the left also have great activities to try with your little one.

 Reviewed 10/16/23



Further Reading

Abcs of Safe Sleep

Tummy Time Brochure 

Tummy Time Tip Sheets

Birth to 2 Months

3-4 Months

6 Months

9 Months

12 Months

15-18 Months

24 Months

Contact Us
Clinton County Health Department
Health Care Services Division
(518) 565-4848  
