Temporary Residences
The term Temporary Residence includes the following types of facilities: hotels, motels, bungalow colonies, groups of cabins, mass gathering, and campgrounds.
The Clinton County Health Department works with the facility owner(s), the facility manager and local building code officer(s) or building inspector to ensure the facility is constructed to the building and fire codes at the time the facility was built, has an approved fire safety and employee emergency plan, and has properly operating fire safety equipment.
Temporary Residences and Responsibilities
If you are an owner of a hotel, motel, cabin colony, tourist homes, bed and breakfast facilities, bungalow colonies, and lodging houses that maintain occupancy for 10 or more people, you must contact the Clinton County Health Department prior to building, repairing or renovating. A temporary residence operates more than 60 hours in any calendar year and less than 180 consecutive days in a calendar year by the same person. There are exemptions and additions to this general rule.
Subpart 7-1 outlines your responsibilities to ensure your patrons’ safety in terms of fire safety, drinking water requirements, food service safety, swimming pool safety, and bathing beach safety.
How to Get a Permit to Operate
All temporary residences in Clinton County must be permitted by Clinton County Health Department at least 30 days before the expiration of the facility’s permit and at least 30 days prior to opening a seasonal temporary residence. Refer to the Info Bar for forms and regulations regarding permits.
New or Renovated Temporary Residences (Construction)
All prospective owners or operators of a purposed temporary residence, or all owners or operators wishing to renovate or modify their temporary residence must complete a Notice of Intent and send the notice to the Clinton County Health Department.
Revised 01/04/24