
What is the Flu?Flu

Flu, or influenza, is a contagious respiratory infection caused by a variety of flu viruses.  There are three types of flu viruses: A, B, and C. Type A and B cause the annual influenza epidemics that have up to 20% of the population sniffling, aching, coughing, and running high fevers.

Who does the Flu Affect?

Everyone, some groups are more at risk, but even healthy people may have serious complications or even die from the flu.  In the US, the flu is linked to approximately 200,000 hospitalizations and more than 36,000 deaths each year.

Why do I Need a Flu Vaccine Every Year?

As determined by the Centers for Disease Control, the viruses in flu vaccine change each year based on scientists' tests about which types and strains of the flu will be the most strong that year.

Where do I get a Flu Shot?

Call your doctor or primary care provider to see if they are offering the vaccine.  You may also choose pharmacies and community retailers to get your vaccine.  They offer extended hours and many are available 7 days a week.

Please check the information in the info bar for nearby providers.

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Further Reading

Where to get the Flu Vaccine

Child Flu Facts

Adult Flu Facts

Vaccine Information Statement

CDC Thimersol Information

NYSDOH Flu Information

Contact Us
Clinton County Health Department
Health Care Services Division
(518) 565-4848







What is the Flu?Flu

Flu, or influenza, is a contagious respiratory infection caused by a variety of flu viruses.  There are three types of flu viruses: A, B, and C. Type A and B cause the annual influenza epidemics that have up to 20% of the population sniffling, aching, coughing, and running high fevers.

Who does the Flu Affect?

Everyone, some groups are more at risk, but even healthy people may have serious complications or even die from the flu.  In the US, the flu is linked to approximately 200,000 hospitalizations and more than 36,000 deaths each year.

Why do I Need a Flu Vaccine Every Year?

As determined by the Centers for Disease Control, the viruses in flu vaccine change each year based on scientists' tests about which types and strains of the flu will be the most strong that year.

Where do I get a Flu Shot?

Call your doctor or primary care provider to see if they are offering the vaccine.  You may also choose pharmacies and community retailers to get your vaccine.  They offer extended hours and many are available 7 days a week.

Please check the information in the info bar for nearby providers.

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Further Reading

Where to get the Flu Vaccine

Child Flu Facts

Adult Flu Facts

Vaccine Information Statement

CDC Thimersol Information

NYSDOH Flu Information

Contact Us
Clinton County Health Department
Health Care Services Division
(518) 565-4848
